Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter Thea Kearney explores disturbing themes of unreality and disassociation, with her release of The Real World. This track features a modern post-grunge sound, with swirling, crashing guitars playing overtop hard-hitting drums in support of Kearney’s compelling alto as she delivers dystopic, existential lyrics that will have listeners questioning their own verities and virtues. Its potent rhythms, dynamic sound and monster guitar riffs make Thea Kearney’s The Real World a must-listen for any seasoned contemporary rock enthusiasts… Overall this is an exceptional post-grunge track, and an exquisite bit of songwriting that captures the essence of a “post-truth”, non-objective reality that many seem to be living in these days. Very nice work, by all involved!
Steven Azami, Jango/Radio Airplay
“Rock musician Thea Kearney issues a striking societal critique with the release of The New Normal. This new Alternative Rock tune takes on gun violence, politics, class division, and more with compelling lyrics and a harrowing Rock sound. After enduring countless and continual violent tragedies, Americans find themselves battling propagated disenfranchisement by those seeking money and power. This new tune stands strong by emphasizing that this is not normal and we must be civil and make change. It is unrelenting in its message and is given an effective and cathartic delivery. Kearney’s singing alternates between hovering hauntingly and soaring high above the music. She brings in a hard edge only when necessary and creates an ominous, almost post-apocalyptic atmosphere. This is reinforced by the dark, gritty guitar work and expansive groove. Overall, The New Normal by Thea Kearney is an excellent and important new Alternative Rock song that reminds listeners of the world around us.”
Zachary Larson, Jango/Radio Airplay

“Species Closeout comes to me from THEA K. A lo-fi mix of punk and hip, trash guitar and fishnet vocals. Eleven tunes to shake your mood, simple tight grooves… what more could ya ask for on a first date?”
Starr Tucker (Lorrainne Ursula), NYWaste

“Holy Bono Batman, a rocker with a social conscience. As Thea Kearney sings on the title track, “Human expansion and greed, breeding like rabbits, can’t just have two or three, Bear gall bladder, tiger aphrodisiac, as if we really needed help to breed,” this ain’t no boy-loves-girl rock and roll here. And as each song passes, you might wish for a simple love song, but Kearney doesn’t deliver that. Instead, you’re peppered with lyrics that took a bit more than five minutes to hammer out, inundated with social commentary and observations. Granted, it’s not the cheeriest stuff you’ll ever hear, and it might even depress you. But I’d prefer to think of Kearney as a modern-day Patti Smith, a woman unafraid to punch out at problems she sees. Isn’t rock and roll about rebellion anyway? The sound of the trio, consisting of Kearney on guitar and vocals, Peter Sampson on bass, and Pam Arnold on drums, has a stripped-down and bare-garage-band sound. Kind of like a beefed-up White Stripes with a bassist and female vocalist out front. “Thirty Dollars An Ounce,” a song about the haves and have-nots, is my favorite.”
Bill Ribas, NYRock

“Thea Kearney’s music is heavier than most singer songwriters. The political content of some of the songs will be understood by punks, yet Thea’s melodies aren’t as
wreckless as punk rock. The most original song on this four track demo is “Species Closeout”. It describes a point of view that some people
have — that while other forms of life are becoming extinct, we should use them while we still have them. The trouble as Thea and others see it, is that we’re the ones who are breeding too fast. We’re to the point where we are the ones squeezing chimpanzees and others out. This one has the hardest sound to it. The intensity fits the subject… ”
Jack Little, Metal Maidens, Issue 35

Live Show Review: The C-Note, New York City:
“ I could listen to Thea K every day. Her songs are full of Plutonic, worldly, huge issues…from life-affirming to destructive. She performed on my monthly showcase in NYC dressed to kill in a leopard print dress and lace wrap. Totally appropo, considering that the CD cover “Species Closeout” features a drawing of many animals, most with price tags. All through the CD there is the undercurrent of mourning and anger (Pluto again) channeled into excellent prose and alternative rock tunings “want to look into the sun/in the center of the sky/stare ’til I see the blood that’s stained your mind/Why can’t you tell me?” The words seem plaintive, but the melody and chords sure aren’t. This multi-talented artist is a great listen for those days when you have some anger to blow off, or an issue to settle (and don’t we all have those days?).”
Dan Herman, Radio Crystal Blue

Live Show Review: The Pussycat Lounge, New York City:
“Thea K skillfully stirs hard rock raunch, infectious, hook-heavy pop, and soulful vocal drama into its simmering sonic stew. And the potent power trio’s sizzling shows always leave audiences wanting seconds.”
Cheryl Spielman, contributor
Thea Kearney – Press Kit on Sonicbids: